Summer is one of those times of the year when we usually relax, let our hair down and enjoy an easy lifestyle, however if your not too careful this lazy lifestyle can have a dramatic affect on your body by the time it comes to winter.

Here are 4 very easy ways to stay in shape this summer without restricting your diet or lifestyle too much.

1. Join A Gym – Fairly obvious but if you do want to lose weight or get in shape then this is the best option. Working out at home is good and well but by having a gym membership it gives you that added incentive to go out and exercise rather than staying at home and contemplating about it.

2. Eat Barbecued Food – Yes you read that right! Eating food that is grilled on a BBQ is a healthier option that eating food that is put in the oven as whilst the meat is cooking the fat is allowed to drip away rather than remaining in the cooking tray. Just be careful not to over indulge in the toppings and sauces!

3. Walk Everywhere You Go Or Even Better: POWER WALK!

As its summer it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the (semi) decent weather the UK is enjoying and is the ideal time to ditch the car to walk instead and enjoy the sunshine!

If you really want to push it you can try power walking which will help your tone up even more and the added benefit is that you’ll get to places a lot quicker than you would by walking normally!

And finally

4. Cut Down On The Drinking!

Yes its summer and everyone enjoys a few drinks with friends in the garden but it’s during this time that you forget about how many calories you’re actually drinking! If you’re more of a beer fan then it may be time to cut down and instead try having half pints or even better stick to spirits with a diet mixer.