All of us are prone to accidents and injuries but when you’re a fitness enthusiast the road to recovery can seem very boring and unfulfilling. Unlike most of us who actually enjoy the time to sit in front of the TV or computer watching films and eating unhealthy food, those who enjoy working out and staying in shape will find it very difficult to stay focused on being lazy and staying in the same spot constantly.

The following tips give you advice on how to slowly and surely get back into the pattern of exercise you were once used to without going overboard and risking further complications.

1. Take your time and don’t rush it – It may feel like the natural thing to do after being away from the gym or exercise in general for such a long time to jump back into the routine you were once used to and work even harder than before so that you regain the fitness level you once had before your injury however the most sensible thing you can do is to take your time and gently ease back into your exercise routine. If you rush back into it straight away you not only risk causing more damage to the area you are trying to recover from but also damage other areas of your body.

2. Exercise for half the time you normally would – On the same level as point 1, instead of rushing into exercise again split the time in half, so for example if you went running for an hour before just run for 30 minutes instead. This should prevent your injury from getting worse and help you make a slow but sure path to recovery and it won’t put too much pressure on the injured part of your body to start off with.

3. Buy some support straps for your injured body part – If you’re getting back into shape but your injury is still not fully healed it is worthwhile buying some form of support to gently aid the ligament or muscle when you are working out as without using some form of support you risk causing even greater damage to yourself. A support will also help to build up the strength in your affected body part without risking causing further damage to it.

4. Start by swimming – Rather than jumping (Or limping) straight back into your routine by doing weights, going on a running machine or attending a fitness class, try swimming! Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise you can undertake to aid your recovery as say you have damaged your foot or ankle and you can’t run anymore then swimming will allow you to exercise (It could well be the only option you have if it concerns your foot) and will not hinder the recovery of your foot/ankle.

An interesting video on ‘Aqua Therapy’

The most important thing to remember though in all of this is to TAKE YOUR TIME AND DON’T RUSH IT (That’s why its point no.1)