For those of you who are feeling winter creep closer and are slightly too lethargic to go outside and exercise in the cold whether it’s a jog in the park or even having to travel in the freezing weather to get to your local gym, here are some of the best fitness games available on the Wii so you can stay in shape without having to brave the rain or snow.

1. EA Sports Active – This game comes equipped with a thigh band into which you attach your Wii Nunchuk so that it can monitor your running speed and also a resistance band that is designed to replicate the sense of weightlifting. This game comes with the usual range of work out activities and several activities such as: Squatting, running, rollerblading, baseball, tennis, weightlifting and many more. The added advantage to this package is that you get a virtual personal trainer to keep you motivated and there contains a mode called the ’30 day challenge’ which tracks and monitors your fitness levels over 30 days and changes your fitness regime on a day to day basis.

2. Wii Sports Resort – Probably one of the more entertaining Wii fitness games available, Wii sports resort is designed more as a fun fitness game rather than a serious fitness game with the primarily intent of getting you into shape. For this reason it is best to play with another player and although not designed primarily as a fitness game, it does give you a good work out nonetheless.

3. Wii Fit Plus – Unlike the other games, Wii Fit Plus is specifically designed to help get you fit and doesn’t have such a video game feel to it as it is more suited to being a fitness aid than a game. It allows you to create your own fitness routines which weren’t available in the first Wii Fit and also in this version all the exercises are already available so you don’t have to spend time unlocking various exercises to proceed to the next ones. This game also gives you information on how many calories you are likely to consume dependent on what type of food you eat and takes into consideration body mass index measurements.

4. Wii Sports – This game is normally bundled free with the Wii and is a great game to give you a taste of how much exercise you can actually do on a Wii and lets you take part in activities such as tennis, bowling, golf, baseball and boxing. Whilst this game is not intended purely for fitness, it is a great introductory game and the boxing game within it can be quite physically demanding.