Tag Archive: fitness first

Have you ever felt that by using regular weights, you weren’t getting a full upper body work out? After all the only movement you actually do with standard weights is the same up and down technique which works out the same few muscles in your arms and shoulders.

With this rather ingenious contraption though, you are able to work out many more muscles which in turn will help you get even more toned than if you were just to use standard weights. If you do watch the video you will probably be a bit sceptical to the fact if it actually works but based on fitness reviews around the web, it seems that the Shake Weight, does in fact work albeit not the levels that are claimed in the video judging by the physique of some of the actors/gymholics.

You won’t need any batteries for it either and you only need the one to achieve a proper workout unlike with dumbbells where you actually do need two weights to actually do a proper workout routine, however it is unlikely that you will be able to tone up your arms just by doing 6 minutes of exercise a day as the video claims. It is good to use the Shake weight as a supplement to your normal workout routine and not to simply rely on it for all your fitness training.

The Shake weight is available for both men and women and costs roughly £30 in the UK.

If you’ve considered joining up to a health club or gym but have never had the time or the money now is your chance to try out a Fitness First gym near you!

At the moment Fitness First are offering free one day guest passes that allow you to try out the facilities and get a feel for what it is like at Fitness First.

Follow this link if you’d like to try out your local fitness first gym for free – Free 1 day pass